
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2013
Now in my second period in England Im in Bournemouth University doing MA in Directing Digital Film and Television. I'm so scared about how is gonna be this year... I really dont know nothing about nothing here. I know that I can do it but I don't know how.
I need to write before start my kind of diary writing about what I did. I finished my degree in Journalism in Bilbao and I decided to move abroad. This is my second period in England, in Bournemouth. The first one was so amazing. I spend here 6 months with other international students and I learned a lot, not only English also who is the life far away from your family and friends.The last things were so difficult for me. Maybe I didn't know it but is true that is difficult to continue you life with not more things that your belongings.
My first decision is that I'm going to write for me. Just for me.
I'm always thinking about this blog. How can I use it? One day I thought that I knew but I'm not sure. I would try to star a new period. I'm going to try not only to speak about my life in England and my changes also I'm going to write in English, not thinking about anyone except me. I need to improve my written English for the University lessons so...